Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Blog renewal

I have decided to revive Elizabeth's blog (happysinger) and use it as an online diary. It seems relevant given that we are now in a new phase of life & seem to be doing so much more.
A couple of Saturday's ago we went to see "Stuff Happens". It was long, but engaging. Worth mentioning here because it is unheard of for M & I to attend something together on a Saturday afternoon. But that will change now, I am pleased to say!
Then last Friday we went to the ABC Gardening show. I have not seen this show since the first time it was held, I must say although I enjoyed it , I found it less satisfying than the first time. Then there had been lots of wonderful displays of things you only read about, lots of permaculture , mail order seed companies & the like. Although permaculture was represented this time, it seemed to me that the show was more like a huge nursery product/hardware store ie a lot more commercial. Maybe smaller companies can no longer afford to exhibit there which is a pity. Still TAFE was there!

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