Last week, just 4 days before we were due to leave for USA , Michael was advised that the company from which he sub-leased office space, may be given 3 weeks notice to quit the premises. So he makes a plan to move as much stuff out as possible, knowing that the circumstances under which this might occur may results in his possessions being thrown out , or taken control of by persons unknown to him. So on Saturday , we have just loaded the first load into the Volvo when it chooses to breakdown! 2 hours later, the car now with a failed alternator, we manage to hire a Ute & get one load into storage before that closes for the week end! Thankfully Martin and Robert helped us move the rest of the "essential to salvage " stuff out by Sunday evening, in time for M to pack his bag!
Apart from some hair-raising turbulence during which everyone remembered how to say their prayers , and the fact that it was a packed flight, the trip to Los Angeles was uneventful. Well the turbulence was not that bad,I started to worry when the Captain said that he had not experienced turbulence as bad as that that for some time, so then I wondered whether he had maintained his turbulence rating?!! Later, I was truly impressed as he or one of his sidekicks helped a small girl with her large suitcase down some stairs at LAX.
I was served the wrong special meal, I received the meal for seat 69J, a diabetic, I was 62 J, a vegetarian. When the waiter finally arrived , he said, "oh , are you a diabetic, too? so am I, isn't it boring?". Hmm, all about me, I thought.
I am still too short to watch the movies, even with my own screen. Make that too short & too long sighted. I have to wear my reading glasses & crick my neck. No joy in that so so I caught up on some
Radio National listening, LNL, The Book Show, Lingua Franca. And I enjoyed the music of Ross Edwards & Arvo Part.
Standing in the queue at the coffee shop in the International Terminal, a tap on the arm & there is my beloved friend , Gaylene. She was in transit from Perth to Auckland & her flight was delayed so we shared coffees and a quick catch up. What a delight to see her , and what a good omen for a long journey, shining angel that she is!