Wednesday, December 24, 2008

From the Garden!

For years now I have tried to grow tomatoes in time for Christmas, and failed. Not this year!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Frugal happiness- Bargains at the butchers AND the bookshop.

Aldo's meats at 375 Paramatta Road Leichhardt , selling lamb shanks 2 for $3 , lamb neck 2 for $3. When I asked why so cheap, they told me they are selling a lot of rolled shoulder to the local restaurants, who don't want the shanks!  Lucky us! Curried neck of lamb coming up.
Gleebooks have some  wonderful bargain books for sale , go upstairs, tell Ingrid I sent you, she will show them to you . Great titles , one of which is coming to a member of my household.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

See them now before they are gone

all Images© Elizabeth Mulrennan2008