Thursday, April 26, 2007

Some more photos of our new family!

Well finally we tracked some down in Enfield. They are no particular breed as far as I know, mother & 2 daughters. They settled into ripping up the grass, and enjoyed the kitchen scraps, especially as I put in a treat of some fresh grapes! When I got home from work they were sorting out the sleeping arrangements.
At present they are quiet, they make funny little whirring noises! Mother was checking out the planes overhead but seeing as they are not competitors for the tucker, she has relaxed!
No, I do not know what their names are yet, I am sure they will tell me soon!

Ain't no-one here but us chickens

Some early photos from the phone.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cockatoo Island

Long term visitors to this blog may recall that Michael & I took a tour of Cockatoo Island last year. (See February 2006 archives)
Well now you don't have to book a tour, the ferry service now stops there, about once an hour. And you can do your own tour, if you wish.
So I went with my nephew, Leo, who visited from Perth.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Still no hens!

The chook house looks so sad & empty. The vegie patch has been wonderful but is due for a bit of replanting:

Hopefully we will get some chooks soon! And that pumpkin that is about to climb the fence needn't think it is going anywhere.